Where the heck have I been?

Despite the seeming recent vacancy at the Shack, I’ve been really busy cleaning up every. single. page. on the site so it conforms to XHTML standards. Why? Because I’m a computer geek who thrives on tedium. (As should be obvious from this site’s content 🙂 ) Anyway, so a lot of long hours doing tedious […]

Busy busy

No, I haven’t forgotten about this damp corner of the Internet called Monster Shack. I’m really busy with real life (house, yard, kids), so time is either null or at a stand still. I’m trying hard to get something or other reviewed, but it’s taking some time, so, hmmm..how about I recommend a great book […]

Motivational Poster

Digging around some old emails and found this motivational poster:

Otherwise life continues. Slowly working on reviews when time permits, otherwise enjoying the coming of spring.

Barbarian Queen — The Empress Strikes Back

Oddly enough it looks like Lana Clarkson has indeed struck back from the grave against her murderer, Phil “Wall of Sound” Spector. You can check out the sordid details on the net, I can’t be bothered to post them here. Anyway, another sad story comes to an end. Maybe everybody should check out a Barbarian […]

Monster Shack and the Flying Spaghetti Monster wish everybody a happy Easter

New Seagal Movie…

OK, this is stupid. But like most stupid things, it’s pretty funny 🙂

Easter Review

Ok. I know it has nothing to do with Easter, but it’s a review, and it’s almost Easter…and that’s good enough for me.

So please try and enjoy the horrifyingly bad tale of the….

Oh, and here’s a little clip of a great performance to whet your appetite…mwu-ha-ha-ha!:


Snowbeast (1977)

Directed by Herb Wallerstein

Tagline: “An unknown terror stalks a ski resort!”

Run Time: 86 minutes

In a nutshell:

A dull, lifeless, "monster in the wild" made-for-TV flick featuring the usual suspects from 1970’s television.

Lines to Remember:

Sheriff Paraday: I understand she was a guest at […]