New Review: The X from Outer Space

The X from Outer Space (1967)

Sean Ledden steps up to the plate and delivers a great review of The X from Outer Space, a tale of Space Age optimism permeated by rocket ships, alcohol, repressed jealousy, and a Giant Space-Chicken of Mass Destruction!



The X from Outer Space (1967)

Other Titles: (Giant Space Monster: Guilala


Director: Kazui Nihonmatsu

Producer: Wataru Nakajima


   Eibi Motomochi

   Moriyoshi Ishida

   Kazui Nihonmatsu

SFX: Hiroshi Ikeda

Art Direction: Shigemori Shigeta

Music: Taku Izumi


   Toshiya Wazaki – Captain Sano

   Peggy Neal – Lisa

   Itoko Harada – Michiko

   Eiji Okada – Dr. Kato

   Franz Gruber – […]