ABC’s of Death t-shirts

Just got a heads up on some really cool “ABC’s of Death” t-shirts from Amorphia Apparel

but using monsters and villains from all types of pop-culture references. Just in time for Christmas too!

For example:

Check them out here!

2 comments to ABC’s of Death t-shirts

  • Guts3d

    I would think that “C” would be for Cthulhu… And “Z” for Zombies…

  • Sean Ledden

    Loved most of them. But I agree that “C” should be for Cthulhu. Also, the Joker was a woman? (If you want more female villains, then use “She Who Must Be Obeyed,” “Sumuru” or the “Wicked Witch of the West!”) And Frankenstein was Darth Vader??? (My personal fav – Lo Pan.)

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