The Home Electrical (192?)

Summary: A nostalgic look at how things once were…"One with all the calculator know-how you’ll probably ever need."

I’m not sure of the date of this reel, but it’s a freakin’ silent movie, so can it be from the 30’s? Earlier? I tried to find the date of this one on the Internet but […]

Sharp LC8 Calculator (197?)

Summary: A nostalgic look at how things once were…"One with all the calculator know-how you’ll probably ever need."

Open with a strange montage of voiceovers bitching about the costs of "paper work". Why, I wonder if there is any product out there that can alleviate our woes?

"There’s gotta be an answer!" a voice […]

According To Plan (1952)

Summary: Asbestos is your friend!

You thought asbestos was bad for you? Nooooo….not at all! A little light music and a friendly narrator will change all that!

As a young couple sit in their living room dreaming of a new home, the narrator (Big-N) explains just what a home means to people, […]

The Best Made Plans (1956)

Summary: Experience the magic of plastic wrap!

A car drives up. A 1950’s family piles out of the car for a picnic. It is Dad’s first day of vacation and they discover that amidst all the confusion of the previous day, they’ve forgotten to pack something to cover the picnic table. (Ahhh…the big issues […]