Is it just me or does he always seem to look the same? Somebody suspected he was a cyborg. I have good memories of being a wee lad and listening to my dad’s album “Let’s Get Small”…I didn’t understand much of it (ah…youth), but still laughed my ass off at certain bits. (Embezzling cat, King Tut, etc.) His movies became a bit sappy for me after a while, but I still love “The Man with 2 Brains”…freakin’ hilarious even after all these years. (Just found out that Sissy Spacek did the voice Anne Uumellmahaye…ha!)
Ah! I KNEW there was something familiar about Anne’s voice. Thanks for clearing up one of the great mysteries of the 20th century…Next, WHO built Stonehenge?
That’s easy, Stonehenge was built by the followers of Puma Man. Steve Martin is a great comedian, both he and Robin Williams hav timing and are quick thinkers. I guess that ol’ Steve gets his youthfull appearance the same way Dave Clark does, from evil aliens.
Ah, of course! The followers of Puma Man. The clues were all there, why didn’t I see them???
Admit it Sean, you have a pair of tan slacks and a goofy belt, along with a shirt that has a bizarre golden face glued to it… Or should we call you Tony Farms???
If you think I’m going to admit that on the Internet your crazy.
I have the Vadinho outfit, I am not ashamed to admit. I even dress up like Kobras occasionally and toss Americens.. I mean americans out the window to see if they are the Puma Man.
Let me know when you find him. And keep Dennis in the loop. It would make an excellent post!