Monsters on the Way

Thanks to Brian for sending this link to me; it looks like Brain and the Guys have put together a cool homage to all the crappy movies we love. In his words:

“”Monsters on the Way” is an original tribute song to b-movies from
Scotland by VBF and Neil Robertson. Fron Ed Wood to the 50ft Woman via an
Evil Robot. Cardboard Costumes by Michael Boyd”

3 comments to Monsters on the Way

  • AWSOME!Great homage to a bunch of low budget movies that have gained cult statis. Catchy tune too! 2 thumbs up.

  • Sean

    I’m waaaay behind the curve here, but after enjoying Monsters on the Way, go ahead and check out the “related video” -Cinamassacre’s Top 10 Giant Movie Monsters. I’d place Godzilla above King Kong, but what the heck. It’s well done, and 2 monsters who have been featured at The Monster Shack appear on it. Awesome!

  • guts3d

    …it looks like Brain and the Guys…

    Brain Guy from the last seasons of MST3K?

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